Templestowe Lower Podiatry Services - Manningham Foot Clinic



Templestowe Lower Podiatry Services - Manningham Foot Clinic

Our professional podiatrists at Manningham Foot Clinic are able to prescribe, design and manage your custom-made orthotics. 


Designed and fitted to your individual needs

We will take an impression of your foot to make sure you get a personalised solution that addresses your specific condition. When paired with suitable footwear, our orthotics have helped people of all ages get back on their feet. Foot Mobilization

Custom Orthotics

We offer custom orthotics at Manningham Foot Clinic to make sure each client receives care tailored to their specific condition. By customizing your orthotics, we can accurately target the affected area to achieve the desired results, such as:

•             Restricted movement

•             Assisted movement

•             Correcting the shape or function of a joint to facilitate movement or reduce pain


Foot Mobilisation is a physical (manual) therapy commonly used by Physiotherapist, Osteopaths and Chiropractors. Foot Mobilisation is a gentle precise pressure used to move (mobilise) bones, reduce joint restrictions and improve bone alignment. When foot mobilisation is implemented using the ‘All Natural System’, it ensures that changes to one’s foot posture are long lasting. This will ultimately improve the bodies function and mobility. We also provide foot mobilisation lower templestowe


Just like the wheels of your car wear uneven when the wheel alignment is out or the doors in your house jam when its foundations (stumps) are not aligned correctly, so too can your foot and body alignment be out when one has poor foot posture. Poor foot posture places unnatural loads on the joints, muscles and ligaments in your body causing PAIN. Refer to foot facts.



Mannigham foot Centre, Melbourne podiatrists were the first centers in Victoria designed specifically to offer treatment to correct one’s foot posture without orthotics through foot mobilisation and corrective exercises. The technology and equipment used in these centers are state of the art. Refer to Our process and About us. We also provide foot mobilisation balwyn north.

Musculoskeletal Podiatry

There are many structures in the feet, which are susceptible to injury. We undertake thorough assessment and treatment approaches, so you can be pain free.

Surgical Podiatry

Nail Surgeries are performed within the clinic, which will permanently remove part of, or the whole nail for good. So you will never have another ingrown nail again.

Chronic Disease Management

Chronic diseases such as diabetes and arthritis can affect the foot and lower limb. We are able to assess your risk status, and help prevent any foot and lower limb complications from arising.

General Podiatry

All things, from corns, callus, toe nails, warts, cracked heels, fungal infections. We can have your feet feeling better in no time!

Kids Podiatry

Growing feet can be prone to injury, whether this be from heel pain, in-toeing, or growing pain. We have all the tools to help.

Sports Podiatry

Foot, ankle and leg injuries are very common in many sports. We are dedicated to preventing injuries and helping you return from injury with tailored rehab and sport specific training.

Foot Mobilisation and Manipulation Therapy (FMT) involves a range of manual therapies that work holistically to restore joint mobility and increase strength and flexibility in the foot and ankle.

At the Manningham Foot Clinic, Bud Egodagamage will determine if FMT is the right treatment for you and create a short-term and long-term treatment plan to restore the biomechanical health of your feet.

•             Flat feet

•             Excessive pronation

•             High arches

•             Bunions

•             Morton's neuroma

•             Plantar fasciitis

•             Heel spurs

•             Achilles tendonitis

When combined with the right strengthening exercises, FMT can remove the need for surgery and orthotic devices. It can also help correct other foot conditions and ensure your feet are working at their optimum capacity.

All of the conditions listed below can benefit greatly from a few sessions of FMT.

•             Weak ankles

•             Sore ankles

•             Rolling ankles

•             Knee pain

•             Bursitis

•             Shin pain

•             Calf pain

•             Leg length discrepancy

Treatment Using Orthotics

Contact Us 

Whether it’s a brace or insole, these devices are an external support system applied to guide, control or temporarily stabilise the affected joint to modify and correct its structure and function.


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